Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Long time now

Hey you all, it's been so long! I haven't been in the TASP circle for a while now, I talked to Isaac around the holidays but that's about it. I've been so out of the loop of a lot fo things though, ever since this dreaded TMJ, scoliosis, malocclusion, indigestion, blah blah blah thing has consumed my very livelihood. Charles, Dylan and Sam know of this, Isaac too, but basically, a soccer injury from years ago has progressed and progressed slowly into my body, and now my spine's all out of alignment. I've learned so much about the different realsm of health care though, all about cranio-sacral relationships, shamanic healing, rolfing, chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga, ayurveda, qi gong, energy psychology - the whole she bang. I've become very interested in healing as a result, but only because my body seems to be forcing me to take care of itself. Unfortunately, this has all resulted in much physical pain, debilitating to the point where it's hard to talk at times, let alone hear myself think, play music.

But I've finally found someone who can aid me,a star from the the heavens. After all my searching, she was only a couple blocks away from my house, hiding on a corner back alley street. I'm thankful, but not fully healed. Soon though, finally though. For me, healing will mean many things. My body's muscles will finally be able to relax, after it has been so out of balance since the soccer injury. Apparently the muscles around my cranium and sacrum tightened up in a spastically instinctive reaction, causing my neck to be constantly lopsided and my jaw to move out of place. Thus, my entire body compensated. My shoulders, rib cages and collar bones are all uneven now, while my Sacrum, the bottom part of the spine, is shifting my hips and giving me serious knee pain. But the healing, this simple healing, will give me much more energy, it will improve my horrible sinuses, it will reduce my indigestion problems, it will finally let my jaw release, thus enabling my lungs and diaphragm to utilize their strength in an efficient way. I can't wait!

But still, it will take a couple more months or so.

Also, do you guys know of a supra-all-encompassing TASP directory that will let me know of any TASPers in Oberlin college?

Hope all is fantastic and dimdiddilyumscious

Henrik the Herb

Friday, January 18, 2008

hi guys, it's sophie
just posting to say hi, i'm alive, and I miss everybody very badly