As Adam so kindly alerted us during the meeting, the ComCom has yet to come up with a suitable project. We would really appreciate any help we can get on this and are thusly appealing to you for suggestions. Ideally we would like to have something that we can start and finish so that we can see the results of our work, but at this point no project is too small or too big to be looked into. We beg you to send us any problems you might see in the community. You can e-mail any one of us (my address is byoungbl), or even easier, just post your ideas here. I check pretty regularly and other people can make comments giving us instant feedback on how much support a particular project has.
on a similar note, I know not all of you will be very into this, but I have been noticing how much trash I pass on the way to class. I am not intending for this to become our particular project, but if you see something that is on the ground, think about picking it up and throwing it in a trash can. there are plenty of cans around campus and every drink cup you dispose of properly makes Ann Arbor that much more beautiful.
every little bit counts!