Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Monday, July 11, 2005

As Adam so kindly alerted us during the meeting, the ComCom has yet to come up with a suitable project. We would really appreciate any help we can get on this and are thusly appealing to you for suggestions. Ideally we would like to have something that we can start and finish so that we can see the results of our work, but at this point no project is too small or too big to be looked into. We beg you to send us any problems you might see in the community. You can e-mail any one of us (my address is byoungbl), or even easier, just post your ideas here. I check pretty regularly and other people can make comments giving us instant feedback on how much support a particular project has.

on a similar note, I know not all of you will be very into this, but I have been noticing how much trash I pass on the way to class. I am not intending for this to become our particular project, but if you see something that is on the ground, think about picking it up and throwing it in a trash can. there are plenty of cans around campus and every drink cup you dispose of properly makes Ann Arbor that much more beautiful.

every little bit counts!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

"Witty banter followed by marriage" -Meredith on Pride and Prejudice

Was I the only one who found Pride and Prejudice unusually entertaining and non-taxing, despite being over five hours long? Anyway, here are some of the more entertaining quotes which were spoken during the P&P screening (thanks Emma for coming up with the movie idea).

"Capital! Capital!"

"Is that a TV?"
"Yeah, they're watching Leno."
-Matt S. and Ridley

"Why does she call him Mr. Bennett?"
"Because they were polite back then. They didn't talk during movies."
-Bern and Nestor

Friday, July 08, 2005

hey there

I just got this email from one of my good friends, who's hilariously funny. Check it out.

**How to learn CHINESE in 3 minutes.

English: He's cleaning his automobile.
Chinese: Wa Shing Ka.

English: This is a tow away zone.
Chinese: No Pah King.

English: Is there a fugitive here?
Chinese: Hu Yu Hai Ding?

English: Small Horse.
Chinese: Tai Ni Po Ni.

English: Did you go to the beach?
Chinese: Wai Yu So Tan?

English: It's very dark in here.
Chinese: Wai So Dim?

English: Has your flight been delayed?
Chinese: Hao Long Wei Ting?

English: I thought you were on a diet?
Chinese: Wai Yu Mun Ching?

English: Your body odor is offensive.
Chinese: Yu Stin Ki Pu.

English: You know lyrics to the Macarena?
Chinese: Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?

English: I got this for free.
Chinese: Ai No Pei.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

We have overcome

Although from the sounds of what the factota said, we had overcome before we had even begun... But that doesn't matter!! Power in unity!! I'd also like to congratulate Lisa on some pretty sweet posters.I especially love the one hanging on the window by the stairs. Although our goal may not have been quite as noble as that of other more well-known freedom fighters around the world, I think we can be proud of the suppreme wonderfullness of our united campaign and the similarities between our peaceful protest and that of our models. As Meredith said, this will be a wonderful thing to tell people about TASP; maybe we can get a feature in the next TA news letter.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Viva la revolution!

I would like to congratulate everyone a successful protest. I think it's good that when people ask us what we did at our TASP, we can say that we led a coup...and succeeded. Also, that we resisted water gun brutality.
Oh, I would also like to congratulate Ridley on reclaiming her shoe from a high, raving drunkard with little understanding of the idea of stealing a pair of shoes and how to make a fast getaway.

The Turquoise Revolution!!!

Woohoo, wasn't that fun!? Props to Emma and Meredith for getting the bargain turquoise bedsheet (80 cents!) and fashioning the armbands. Well, I guess I'm just posting this to be the first to commemorate the night we had a sit-in on the front lawn, got bored and chucked around a frisbee, sang "We Shall Overcome" and got soaked by our factota with Water Blasters. I am definitely keeping my souvenir turquoise armband. Any more thoughts?

Remember MOW (Midnight on Weekends)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

just a thought

so I know this may seem kind of trivial, but I came downstairs this morning at 5:30 and my first impression was that the entire house was awake. I realize that the hall and probably the entryway lights need to be left on, but the whole building was lit up last night. All it takes is if you think you are the last one to leave a room at night, turn off the light. If someone comes back in they can always turn it on again. its an easy way to save energy and it takes almost no effort.

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Post

Whereas the TASP program promotes and encourages self-governance
Whereas self-governance can be manifested in the form of house meetings
Whereas house meetings can easily be run without the aid of factota
Whereas our factota claim we need to have another house meeting in order to extend the curfew
Whereas the extended curfew issue has multiple reasons to back it up
Be it resolved that we have another house meeting on our own account, without the direct aid of Jenny and Adam. We don't need to be secretive, because we have nothing to hide. But I suggest we just start and organize the meeting without them, strictly to resolve this curfew issue. If they overhear or see the meeting, they are welcome to "listen in". All in favor respond with a "yay" or "ye", no nay's will be accepted or acknowledged. I am not responsible for scheduling and organizing the meeting. I say we leave this up to the new chair or anyone who is interested.


Hi guys,
This blog thing is pretty impressive, I have to say. Kudos to Jase and the Taspaptum!! haha, hey I think I'll use this for an announcement. If anyone's seen my coverpack, please please pleez notify me and I'll be eternally grateful to you!
I think I'm too full to type write now. Lunch was too filling, especially with me trying to break the anorexic-image. (Did I ever have one???)