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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Summer Read and Rock.

Remember Harry and the Potters (scroll down about half way)? Seriously Meri, I don't know why your school didn't invite these guys, because the girls at the Los Angeles Central Library went crazy for them. ^__^ Man I love public radio.

In other news, the local hardware store burned down last night, and I feel sad.

Not feeling quite so emo as the '06ers,


Blogger Meredith said...

I nearly passed out when I saw that photo. I love them so much. I'm determined to get them invited to Yale, it's my mission. They play in a lot of libraries, for some reason, all over the country. I guess librarians like indie rock, too.

7:24 PM, August 12, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Speaking of emo...

I saw this group Broken Social Scene the other week...

pretty darn fine if I do say so myself.

They played with Bloc Party, who were alright, but a little too pretentious for their own good. Bloody Emo Brits, they need a good thrashing.

Canada is much more to my liking.

What demarcates the land of emo, by the way?

1:57 PM, August 14, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

It's also emo if there's an anguished scream, or that particular, acquired whine to the voice.

6:57 PM, August 14, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

no no, that's screamo. Emo is a little more gentle

11:55 AM, August 15, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

So now there's screamo? Musical classification is confusing. Who comes up with this stuff?

3:57 PM, August 15, 2006


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