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Saturday, April 24, 2010

What's next?

Hey everyone!

Its been far too long. I hope you all are doing wonderfully! Congratulations Henrik (+ Edward) on your DS admission, even if you don't go there, that's a big accomplishment.

Now that I'm less than a month away from graduating I'm getting curious as to where our TASP cohort is heading. What's everyone up to? For those of you graduating, what's next?

I haven't been very good about keeping in touch with you all. I saw Nestor in New York over winter break and I saw Dylan over the summer, but other than that I think its been a couple years since I saw anyone else. Hopefully we can change that soon.

As for me, in June I'm moving to Detroit. Oddly enough I'm finding myself drawn back to Michigan. I received a grant through UC Berkeley to do a year-long project engaging youth in Detroit around community development and issues of the city using poetry and spoken word. I'm really looking forward to this. Despite the difficult situation, there are a lot of exciting things going on in the city. This summer Detroit is going to host two important conferences, the Allied Media Conference: (June 18-20) and the US Social Forum: (June 22-26). The Allied Media Conference connects independent media makers from across the country using media to build community and do social justice work. The US Social Forum is a convening of grassroots social movements from across the country and the world. They're expecting 15-20,000 participants to participate in a week of dialogues around grassroots organizing and sustainable movements for long term social change. I'll hopefully have an apartment by the end of June, so if any of you are interested in attending either of these conferences, you're more than welcome to stay with me. In general, if any of you want to visit Detroit in the next year you've got a place to stay.

If you're interested in seeing more about some of the work going on in Detroit, check out its a great multi-media article highlighting some of the cool stuff going on.

So what's up with you? Can't wait to hear about where ya'll are headed.



Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Isaac! So good to hear from you.

As one would have it, I called DS back - I couldn't bear the thought of passing the opportunity up - and will indeed attend for the next two years. And I actually might be able to make it to the US Social Forum on the way there!! Man o man, it seems like our Nunnian roots still have rhizomes to shed. I'll be sure to get in touch with you, to finalize things and such. Have a great one, Isaac...


2:42 PM, April 25, 2010

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

nice!!! congrats Henrik, i hope DS will be a great experience for you. hit me up whenever. it would be wonderful to see you this summer!

4:24 PM, April 25, 2010

Blogger Dylan said...

Woohoo Henrik! Congrats on Deep Springs. And transfer to Yale when you're done. I kid, I kid. But really.

Isaac, it's great to hear from you. Your post-grad project sounds AMAZING. I'm already excited to read your work.


3:18 PM, April 27, 2010

Blogger Emma said...

Also very excited to hear about your return to Michigan and your very sweet plans! My brother lives near Detroit, and I get out there somewhat regularly, so I'll definitely be looking you up.

I've got one more semester left at Calvin, but my current plans for after graduation also involve a move to eastern Michigan. There's an intensifying east-west split in this state, and I'm eager to get out of the more conservative half and I share your conviction that there are a lot of exciting opportunities for the post-Motor City. Ideally, I'd like to get a job with a not-for-profit or a city government doing GIS for a year or so before heading to grad school in geography.

11:30 PM, April 29, 2010

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

That's awesome Emma! I'd love to connect with you when I get out to Michigan. Excited to hear about your plans :)


4:43 AM, May 01, 2010

Blogger Charles Wu said...

I'm heading off to graduate school (Economics PhD) at Northwestern next year; come visit me if you're in the Chicago area

5:02 AM, May 14, 2010

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Congrats on DS, Henrik!

I'll be moving to Hong Kong for at least the next two years, working in finance. Not awfully Nunnian of me, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. The only time I've been in Hong Kong is for my job interview, but from what I've seen and heard from others, the place should be a blast.

Come crash on my couch if you ever head out to Hong Kong!

3:46 PM, May 16, 2010

Blogger Sanjukta said...

Do we realize that it is in fact time for a five year reunion?? Just a thought.

Isaac - your project sounds amazing, and Henrik - congratulations on Deep Springs!!

I am headed to Hahhvahd for medical school this fall, but am spending the summer being very liberal artsy: reading and working on my novel some more and traveling to India and Singapore for a bit. I miss you all!!

1:21 PM, May 22, 2010

Blogger Sanjukta said...

PS Boston/ New England folks - I hope to see you up there some time!!

1:23 PM, May 22, 2010

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Congrats Charles, Jason, and Sankuytka (sic)!!!

I'm down for a five-year reunion. Sounds like a bunch of us will be in the midwest/east coast, so that's definitely promising...

Charles, when do you move to Chicago?

Take care everyone!

2:54 PM, May 24, 2010

Blogger Sanjukta said...

hahahah Isaac, WAY to go overboard with the mispelling..

12:37 AM, May 25, 2010

Blogger Henrik Herb said...


5:51 PM, May 26, 2010


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