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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Happy Birthday from the Wikipedia

It's half an hour too late for Jason, but in Pacific Time, it's still 3:30 PM, so I think I'm still OK . . .

Apparently, no really awesome famous people were born on September 3. At least none that caught my eye. I guess there's Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols, so at least you guys have a musical connection. Anyway, the coolest thing about September 3 (after the fact that it's your birthday) is the stuff that happened:

301 - San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, was founded by Saint Marinus.

1958 - In Greece, police starts shaving the hair of youths called "teddy boys" to the skin.

1967 - Dagen H in Sweden: traffic changes from driving on the left to driving on the right

Wow! Full info at This page includes an interesting link to the Wikipedia article on wardrobe malfunctions.

Have a Flashy Birthday!



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