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Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Pirates

All I have to say is, how many kids dress up as ninja?

not many.

Pirates rule! Just check out the costumes of the kids begging for candy at your door (If you're in the States that is) tonight if you don't believe me.


Blogger Meredith said...

I saw a grand total of FIVE people dressed as pirates. Ninjas? ZERO. Let this be latest victory for pirates: winning the hearts of children.

8:23 PM, October 31, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...


I'm with Ridley here. Who cares about the preferences of sugar-deranged little kids anyway?

4:14 AM, November 01, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

I do, because those sugar deranged children become adults, adults who can support the way of the pirate.

7:12 AM, November 01, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

So misguided... so misguided... *shakes head ruefully*

12:46 PM, November 01, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Point well taken. I actually disagree with Ridley's and Dylan's stance, seeing as I myself was a pirate nut as a little kid. Yes, I dressed up as a pirate (maybe even twice?) and never as a ninja. Nevertheless, I am a definite ninja supporter today. Evidently, pirates do win the hearts of the children, but they fail to retain them. Interpret that how you will . . .

10:40 AM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Oh come on! We all know that it's just because children are pure of heart and truly admire pirates more. The rest of us are just too tainted by the clouded vision of maturity to admit it when we are sometimes wrong. If children say that pirates are better, pirates are better.

2:35 PM, November 02, 2005


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