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Thursday, October 27, 2005

joy restored!

Everyone, I have quit band!

But don't worry, that's a good thing. My band is (was!) something like Bern's, except we don't have anyone like Bern to try and get it to sound good. It was terrible, and I hated it. About half the band just got back from a trip to play at Disney World, and since they've gotten back, not a single one cares about how they play anymore, including the director. So I switched to full orchestra on the condition that I would play second bassoon on the pieces that need it for band concerts. O what joy is mine!

Also, besides a few technical problems, the graffiti game was a smashing success, and we won quite soundly. Matt, don't think I didn't notice that you bailed on us. We'll have to try it again sometime, and hopefully the Exeter computers won't be malfunctioning for Meredith's sake.


Blogger Jason Chua said...

So what were the teams? And what's this about bailing out and malfunctioning computers?

3:13 PM, October 27, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

Word. Yahoo!Games gave me a mad snipe.

3:17 PM, October 27, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Matt Slayton definately suggested that he would most likely join us in the game, but he did not. You have a way of doing that matt, don't think I don't notice.

teams were charles wu, lisa, me, and alternating between meredith and some wierd random guy vs. a bunch of random people who seemed to find our crazy antics and semblence of familiarity quite entertaining. I have to say, lisa is an amazing artist with a computer mouse.

11:03 PM, October 27, 2005


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