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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Oh, look, the Photobucket!

Quick post before I go to bed.

Emma, unless you have some other fantabulous picture, take that one - it's pretty darn amazing.

Sam, what's on that herring? And the expression on that woman in the background made me laugh.

I finished a short piece on Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and like Lisa a few months before, managed to use "reify"! I'm very pleased. Although I don't like the poem itself.

That's all.

Till later,



Blogger Meredith said...

Also, as to the photobucket pictures. Those are pretty awesome, but what's up with the black face?

10:57 PM, November 13, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

And isn't Sinterklaas like a month early? I thought he came on December 5 (or is it 6?).

2:24 PM, November 14, 2005

Blogger slaytonm said...

-Hey Sam, gimme some of your herring.

-No way, Matt, I haven't had flippin' anything today.


Oh, Gross!!!

Actually, Sam, that is singularly disgusting. Then again, people eat raw salmon, and sushi has enjoyed popularity for sometime.
I guess we Americans don't get to see a fish swimming head first into one's mouth, that's all, lol.

9:51 PM, November 14, 2005


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