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Thursday, November 10, 2005

car foibles

I'm very thankful that my car is not burning in the suburbs of Paris, but last night I did lock myself out of my car while it was running when I was returning a movie to the video store. I sat there for a full fifteen minutes waiting to be rescued by my dear old Mummy and counting down the fuel emissions I was pointlessly spewing into the atmosphere. Needless to say, I won't be getting my target 40 mpg on this tank.

Dylan, you might be interested to know that my cross-country team won state! We had three girls in the top 30, all under 20 minutes. Very exciting stuff, and all fourty-one of us were treated out to lunch today. The bus ride was pretty much ten minutes of endless screaming, and on the ride back we drove around our school's feeder middle school screaming and, well, screaming a lot. It was a pretty fun time. If only we had been wearing kilts...


Blogger Jason Chua said...

Hehe, congrats.

And bummer about the car.

3:52 PM, November 11, 2005


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