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Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Whole New World

If you have:

1. A relatively fast internet connection

2. A few minutes' free time

3. And the wish to see a brilliantly funny dubbing of the cartoon Aladdin, retitled Aladdin and the Cave of Cheeseburgers

Click here.

Now be warned, the first few minutes are a little weak, but some bits are brilliant. The swearing also gets tedious and isn't, for the most part, particularly cleverly used. However, this doesn't stop the whole thing from being fantastically funny.

Also, call me crazy, but I've developed a strange addiction to American Idol (don't gasp). It's not shown here, but I find videos and updates online. I really really want either Paris or Mandisa to win. And if that statement meant something to you, then great! :)



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