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Monday, December 04, 2006

Smith & Johnson Dry Goods

Hey, so blog activity is frighteningly slow. No excuses people; it's final time and we all need to procrastinate, so keep in touch!

I've decided to quit orchestra. I've gotten really involved in a the environmental action group on campus and the student newspaper, so I'm giving up playing with the ensemble so I can focus more on those and be lessed stressed. My last performance with the group was last weekend when we put on the Messiah with Calvin's alumni oratorio society. The orchestra here is really a wonderful ensemble for the size of the school and the oratorio society is terrifically impressive. I think I had the best seat in the house: right next to the harpsichord, the stellar string bass player (who I recently discovered beat me in a middle school spelling bee, funny how things are), and the phenomenal cello section. I don't know how much I've talked about faith with you guys, but there are certain parts in the Messiah - like when the chorus comes in with "Sure-ly sure-ly he hath borne our griefs" in #24 and "let him deliver him, if he delight in him" in #28 - that are so powerful and rich and layered and genius that God just hits me, if I can say that. Anyhow, it's pretty impressive music if you like baroque, regardless of any theology behind it.

In other news, life is good. How're things for you?


Blogger Meredith said...

Life is good, except that I have my cogsci final tomorrow and within a twenty-minute span in the library, 5 people called me. I don't think I'll be able to return there for a few weeks, unless I want to get laser-visioned to death.

6:46 PM, December 05, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Did you know that a flywheel on a car spinning opposite the rotation of the wheels will counteract the tendency of the car to tip towards the outside of a corner? Neither did I, but now I can describe its motion from multiple reference frames. yay.

9:24 AM, December 07, 2006


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