Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


The Berkeley student radio station, KALX 90.7 FM, has 75,000 distinct pieces of music in its library. At the moment I'm working on uploading the cd portion of that onto my laptop... and volunteering there, marginally. They have everything... from ever in the history of ever. I'm going to need to buy an external hard drive. Or ten.


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Make a server. Share with us. Don't get caught.

5:15 AM, October 29, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

That's pretty much my dream, Isaac. I'm glad someone's living it.

9:59 AM, October 29, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

Practical advice Charles Wu. Practical advice. I might even add, "well said" if not "well played."

12:40 AM, October 30, 2006


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