Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Taspers making waves

Hey-oh! Paul Wolfowitz isn't the only tasper worthy of a three page spread. Check this out from Smithsonian; it's Daniel Alarcon, who Jason told us about awhile ago. I read his short stories, but I'll have to check out the novel. Sorry, my scanner was a bit too small.

Anyhow, the issue was about kickass people 35 and younger. Others featured include Sufjan (although he's a grad from Calvin's rival college, I can accept that he's kind of awesome), Regina Spektor, and Reza Aslan. Check it out at

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Following the Trend

Hey folks,

Just wanted to let you know that I finally gave in and started a blog of my own. Its only a couple days old, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I hope this will be a good way of keeping people abreast of what's going on where I'm at.

You can check it out at

(the title is an only slightly ironic nickname given to me over the summer...)

Hope all is splendid.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I keep on wondering if I sleep to long

Actually I don't wonder that at all. The answer is decidedly no. I was just listening to one of our CDs and that was a line I just heard in Ridley's Cat Stevens song.

Incoherent whirlwind tour of this semester in my life:

I just finished six midterms and I'm still in a complete daze.
I started playing bassoon again. Good times.
I'm hoping to spend next semester in Oxford.
I love Beirut's new album. Check it out.
I ate in the dining hall on Sunday night for the first time since starting college. Yuck. Particularly awful.
And, I'm going to be in DC not this weekend but the next. Anyone else? Probably not, but I thought I'd check.

Appropriate check-in? I hope so. It's funny all the little things that remind me of you guys. I know I haven't been very good at posting lately, but know that I have often been communing with you in my memory.


Sunday, October 07, 2007

A less descriptive title than Dylan's

Yeah, so I'm typing this up because of Dylan and his stupid comments... and I thought I was immune to peer pressure..

So sophomore year has been ridiculous - refreshing, unexpectedly a lot more fun than freshman year, and HARD. I changed my majors and minors about 5 times in the first week of school and all because of silly scheduling problems too! It makes me wonder if I'm really serious about anything haha. I'm now no longer a creative writing major - I'm trying out global health right now, it seems pretty interesting actually

I have a story about the creative writing bit actually! So I had signed up to take an Intro to Poetry and Non-Fiction seminar with this amazing professor, but had to drop it at the last moment. And needless to say, I was pretty unhappy about the decision and was moping around about it when out of the blue, the prof emails me to ask why I'm no longer on his enrollment list and inviting me to his office to talk! (how sweet...) So I go, and tell him that if I had a choice I would have stayed with him, and he tried to console me by telling me that I didn't really need to take a class to write. But I said that deadlines kinda motivated me to write. And then he does the nicest thing EVER... he tells me that can be easily arranged, and that I should submit a poem to him every Monday for the rest of the year, and that we would meet once a month for lunch to talk about them. AND he's sharing all his writing exercises and everything for me! I am seriously stunned by his generosity. He's amazing. The end.

I moved to California this summer. Did I mention this before?

Also, Inorganic Chemistry is bleh... I strongly advise every pre-meder to stay away from this if they can help it.

hmm what else??? It's Fall break right now - a four day weekend - and most everybody has gone home. I'm staying back though and it's been sooo refreshing so far! Just sleeping in, working out, studying at my own pace.. heaven. At first, it was like - wait, I have leisure time? What? But yeah, I could definitely get used to this sort of life.

Oh and that reminds me, I caught sight of this on MTV in the gym today - it's pretty mindblowing. Check it out if you haven't already.

Oh and this one's just for fun.

Okay I'm done.
