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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Bloggy

Hello out there! I had a dream about TASP last night...basically, I had a chance to do it again, and I was clamoring for it. Also, I couldn’t find my car.
So, upon checking the blog, I find that there’s something of a blog reunion going on. I’ll participate! Here’s some news, minus the views:

-I recovered from being ill a few months ago. It was a long time coming. I was sick for two years!

-I will be going back into dance this year; I’m planning on an intense, full-time study of ballet.

-I’m married! Jeremy and I got married last June, and it was fabulous.

-I’m unschooling.

-I’ve decided to learn programming so that I might become a freelance web programmer as a part-time job. It beats waiting tables.

-I’m living in a restored Victorian farmhouse.

Those are just some of the big things, but there’s also been some more subtle interior changes. I’ll write more later! Love to you all!


Blogger Dylan said...

Married! Congratulations! It's also good to hear that you're healthy. How is programming?

3:25 PM, January 28, 2009

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Dylan! Thanks! Meh, programming's alright; I'm going to keep trying it for a while to see if I like it. I'm not sure, though. How are you doing?

8:08 PM, January 28, 2009

Blogger Sanjukta said...

Congratulations on getting healthy, getting married, and getting into ballet! Life is certainly beautiful, huh? =)

10:05 PM, January 28, 2009

Blogger Emma said...

This post is full of wonderful news!

10:37 PM, February 02, 2009

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Congratulations Lisa!!! So happy to hear about the many wonderful things going on in your life. That's beautiful. Take care!

4:33 PM, April 25, 2010


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