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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Facebooking it

I highly encourage (i.e. demand) that everyone set up a facebook account ( using UMich email so we can consolidate all our contact info and randomness. Besides, it's nice to connect to people you know in college, and I just don't want to be friendless :-P

EDIT: Oh, and join the Telluride Group, it's where things are happening
EDIT2: Don't forget to confirm the invite over e-mail, either


Blogger Emma said...

what's the Telluride group?

6:31 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger berno said...

sorry to prove myself as being completely computer illiterate, but what on the face of this beutiful earth is a facebook account?


7:07 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Facebook is a service for social connection between college students. Basically, you set up the account, you can add friends from various colleges around the country, you can see exactly who are in your classes, dorm etc. etc. It's very neat, and quite the useful social service.

Oh, and Emma, just search in groups for Telluride, you'll find it right away

7:21 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Haha, it's also a deceptively simple (and thus deadly) way of wasting time. I spent half an hour looking for people from my school and exclaiming "so that's where he went to" or similar.

And I got an account. It's just sort of sitting there.

8:13 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger Sophie said...

Hey, so here's the deal. During like the fourth week of TASP I decided I'd use my Michigan email address for all it was worth and get a facebook so i could check out Adam's (lame) profile. Somehow I convinced myself that because I'd want a new facebook for college, I should use a fake name for this one (why, obviously.) Anyway, I am listed as Lani Lane, kind of cutely pornstarrish, right? But here's the point...

Facebook says they have made a high school version. Of Facebook. I tried to use my college facebook account to invite myself into the high school one, but it said I had no high school facebook invitations. Anyone have HS facebook and want to invite me? I think there are only a very small number of people on it already (maybe under 200?) and it would be cool to be one of the first since if it's anything like college facebook it will get big quickly.

anyway that's all

1:33 AM, September 04, 2005


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