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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Capital! Capital!

Isaac and Jason, happy birthday buddies. Our little boys are growing up! (*sigh*) I'm getting a bit ferklempt. I don't mean to pester you two, but I think I'm going to have to bring up some 'childhood' memories. Oh, it's a marvel that these two gracious souls shall step out into the formidable world, without Chase!

Isaac, ahh, I remember when you were just a tiny lad, and on the firsat day you met us all, you went through the undenying trouble of stopping that car for us to figure out where the Arboreitam was. Oh, how pleasant a soul. Waving your arms to and fro, smiling like the sun shone forever that day. Then often times a morning I'd wake up, and little Isaac would be sleeping on the coutch with a potery book resting on his face, similar to a cowboy with his hat. The materialistic relationship is quite the same (and no negative connotations with that one, im serious). The poet, the insightful thinker, the individual. This philosopher will always remain in my heart, and his incredible thoughts within my brain.

Jason, yes you. From day one he would whip out his digi camera instinctively on any opportunity he could. I remember how nervous he was for his pubspeak, which was quite exellent in the end. The second or third dayhe already had his little star wars book, nose within, lying back in that rocking chair with no legs or arms. I can see him know scuffling around the house with a camera and that book in each hand. Oh, those were the days, when Jason was quite young.

But now these two accomplished chaps and chumps have totally come to age. Isaac will probably get some poems tatooed on him, while Jason will become a legal porn photographer. I mean, as we have seen with Adam, coming of age only sends you spiraling downward into the Inferno.

Happy Birthday you two. Henrik


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