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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Yeah, uhh.. I'm screwed


I'm pretty much worse off than all of you...HAH! I haven't started any applications, my selection of prep schools is still incomprehensibly vast, and I don't even know when the due dates are! So, I'm pretty much screwed as you can see. I could ramble on and on about my busy life and why this endeavour has been "tabled" (the American version, Sam, although soon to by Easternized!), but that would bore you. I'll give you some juicy info before I narrow my search down even more.

As you all know, I had an excellent college expedition, while visiting Sam and the Telluriders at Conrell. And alas! I fell in love with Oberlin, a school that has almost everything I could ask for. Everything, except mountains (the highest point in the district was no grander than our very own Sorority building).

Soccer just ended (wooha) and as a result my daily time bubble has been elongated by two hours, and my energy harnessed. Now, instead of running my butt off with the breath of my Alpha-male soccer coach down my neck and his sweat stinging my eyes, I'm playing a lot of Trombone, preparing for District Auditions. I'm screwed for that one too, but no need to get into it.

Everything's going nice and hectic here (I bet your nodding sympathetically right now!), and as a result of all this constant motion I'm deciding to become a little more ascetic, more devoted to my work. So, if you decided to spontaneously visit me, I'll be locked in my room catching up. I'm too busy.

I just finished Catch-22 and Brave New World: Marvelous reads. Totally opened new portholes in my brain. Highly recommend, I do.

Have fun all, and I will officially be number one on the list of people who didn't dress up as anything for halloween. Who's with me?



Blogger Jason Chua said...

So what are the plans for next year? Any? Come to think of it, Oberlin does seem pretty darn perfect for you, judging by my very very limited knowledge of it. They sent me a cute shiny brochure a long time ago.

And I really should find time to read Catch-22.

6:12 AM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

*snap snap* to Jason's Catch-22 comment. And I didn't dress up for Halloween either (woot!)

10:49 AM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

I spent it celebrating the rain that we drastically needed and that resulted in some tasty left over chocolate bars.

Mmm mm.

*nods sympathetically*

2:39 PM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

Halloween was awesomeness! I dressed up as a makeshift witch, but it was interpreted as a homeless ghetto person. O well. and then there was the trick-or-treating with more AWESOME highschoolers, and the midnite party, of course.
but that's coz im way cooler than all you ppl...

7:57 PM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

hey i went to a halloween party too! just not on halloween.

8:51 PM, November 02, 2005


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