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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

bass is best

So pretty much yesterday was the best Monday of my week so far. After dropping my bassoon (that part wasn't so great...), I skipped Youth Symphony rehearsal and went to a Victor Wooten concert. Basically, he's the best bassist alive. (On a side note, one of the benefits of taking a couple college classes is that I get tickets for about a third the price I normally would.) I honestly don't know how many hands he has. Probably something like this:

Plus all of his brothers were there. Just a few highlights: Reggie picking his guitar with his tongue, Rudy playing two saxophones at once and circular breathing, Victor playing the most amazing funk rendition of Amazing Grace. Occasionally their stage tricks got a bit too crazy, but mostly it was sweet. Oh, and after the foUrty-five minute encore, they threw drumsticks out into the audience and I caught one. I have never seen a more beat up piece of wood in my life.

P.S. has anyone heard of Sigur Ros? They're coming to town soon, and I'm wondering if I should go.


Blogger Meredith said...

I love Sigur Ros. Go see them, I command you.

3:51 PM, December 06, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Sigur Ros plays guitars with bows, which is just cool, and they speak Icelandic, which is even cooler

5:27 PM, December 06, 2005

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

vic! THE man, I'm glad you saw him in concert. try and catch with him bela fleck and the flecktones, i promise you it will be anazing show

12:36 AM, December 07, 2005


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