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Saturday, December 03, 2005

home alone and feeling nostalgic

Do you remember in fifth grade when your parents started leaving you home alone and how much you hated it? Okay, maybe this is a phenomenon unique to youngest children or maybe even just me, but that sentiment has long since croaked. I love being home alone. Today I slept in until 9.30 (delicious--oh! that reminds me of Meri's shake bag) and proceeded to read for an hour, go for a long walk, spend an hour and a half wasting a can of tomato paste and preparing a terribly disappointing meal, eat chocolates and peppermints and oranges--winter's three wonderful flavors, read some more, write a letter, go for another long walk to post the letter, come home, make tea, and read the blog. In the process of finding my friend's address to write on the letter, I dug up the old Callipygian and ended up reading it all the way through. Rid and Dylan, that history still gives me chills it's so beautiful and funny. Even now that everyone's back home I feel so happy. What a frabjous day! hoping you all feel the same (and it sounds like Sam at least does!),



Blogger Jason Chua said...

"I will accept deliciously"... that line still makes me grin.

The Callipygian! Must go find mine now.

5:56 PM, December 03, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Must be a youngest child thing. I loved it when my parents first started leaving me home alone (or, as was more often the case, in charge of all my younger siblings). These days I don't enjoy it so much.

6:02 PM, December 03, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

Um, I definitely loved it when my parents left me alone. I didn't actually do anything different from when they were around, though.
My new "being home alone is awesome" is "man, driving myself places is awesome."

12:43 AM, December 04, 2005


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