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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Checking in

So the play is officially over, *breaths sigh of exhaustion*

It was actually way more fun than I thought it would be. Its amazing how much easier it is to do something with an audience. First night was so much better than any of our rehearsals it was scary. Second went even better than the first—we had the audience rolling in the aisles. I kinda sucked it up last night cause the girl I alluded to a few posts back was there and I was nervous as hell. Ah well, I suppose everybody has their middle school moments. The rest of the cast did fine. After last night we all trooped down to the bowling alley for a cast party. Halfway through the night I rolled a series that went X-X-9-X-X-X. No shit. Double, nine, turkey. I was like “dear god, what is with bern suddenly looking like he knows how to bowl?” It was a fun night.

Sam, in answer to your question, I was laughing at the fact that the commonapp people give “extracurricular activities” categories like “musician” and then expect you to explain that activity in a STATIC box that is an inch and a half long. Uh, lets see—four instruments that I play in 3 orchestras, one wind band and two jazz bands not to mention two years teaching lessons and six playing freelance gigs. I’m not even sure you could fit that with IM shorthand “3rkstrs,1bnd, 2jzb….”

Anyway my life has suddenly gone from being insanely busy to being empty [my college classes just got out too] so I will probably be posting more often.

Should be expecting an answer on whether I made first cut for Deep Springs any day now. Wish me luck.

miss you all



Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Best of luck Bern, not that you need it...

I think its safe to say that you've made yourself a good deal of luck, don't think that's actually called luck, maybe something more valuable. But still, much respect due.

Congratulations on the bowling.
Congratulations on the play.
Good luck with the girl.



1:26 AM, December 05, 2005

Blogger Sam said...


8:14 AM, December 05, 2005

Blogger slaytonm said...

You'll make it. Just think about it, who 's out there that's better than Bern?



See? No one can answer that!

4:03 PM, December 05, 2005

Blogger Dylan said...

Go Bern! Good luck.

11:53 PM, December 05, 2005


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