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Monday, January 09, 2006

speaking of college...

After my terrible Georgetown interview, I have another chance at making myself collegely acceptable with Carleton. My question is (since everyone's become an inteview fashion expert), what do I wear? My TASP interview was with two old-ish professorial people in a wasp-infested broom closet in the corner of a building on a university campus, my Georgetown interview was a ten-minute afterthought with an old lawyer guy at his office (that smelled like meatballs, not especially tasty ones, especially since I don't eat meatballs.), but this one is at a coffee shop with a guy who just graduated last year, and he's already told me that he'll be the one in the Carleton sweatshirt. So...what to wear? Unfortunately I don't have hot pink sling-backs, but I have black ones! Or else there's berkenstocks, my running spikes (gotta keep my options open), or semi-dressy brown Earth shoes. Could nice jeans possibley be acceptable? Oh these post-modern youngersters! what do they expect from us?!


Blogger Dylan said...

"my running spikes"--WOOT!

8:33 PM, January 09, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

the georgetown interview was a long time ago, before I was deferred. Basically, it was about ten minutes of this rumpled lawyer asking me questions exactly like everything I answered on the application. It wasn't terrible, but it was a serious waste of time for both of us and he freaked me out because he was really pushing me to leave. Just odd. I hope this one isn't a waste of time because I'm driving an hour to kalamazoo for it.

3:17 PM, January 10, 2006


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