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Sunday, March 05, 2006

A reality TV gimmick?

Or will this actually promote dialogue and understanding? It's sort of a reality TV update on Black Like Me.

The news article in which I read about it

The Official Website


Blogger Dylan said...

Also, what about the implications of using makeup to mimic another race? Bamboozled, anyone?

2:04 PM, March 05, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

Promoter of social dialogue or reality television gimmick, I've been planning on watching the first episode. I will contemplate what I think about the politics of it later and perhaps respond then.

8:23 AM, March 06, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Yeah, I think you have to see the show before you can make a judgment one way or the other . . . although I'm skeptical of TV networks as a rule.

11:12 AM, March 06, 2006


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