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Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm drowning in physics

I came to this fine institute and I said to myself, hey, Charles Wu, you like physics, don't you? And so I strolled into the beginner physics for masochists class, or rather into the doom of my nights and weekends. I never knew physics could be so emotional; I feel the euphoria of a neat derivation, I have spasms of delight when variables cancel, and I fall into a deep and disturbed funk when nothing works out (which is usually). I'm in love, I hate bitterly, it's really quite a trip. And then comes a test next week. Goodbye sleep for good. Sheesh.

On a related note, MIT frats are regulated to within an inch of their lives (ruther like the oil industry), for the same reason that the public thinks they're evil. So frat parties mostly involve dancing and smuggled-in liquor. Not really my cup of tea, but I can say I've gone to one now. I come back at 2-3AM and find a good 3 liters of liquor drained between my hallmates. Moral of the story? MIT can sue fraternities, but it can't sue itself. Also, Lego Star Wars II: is an unbelieveable game. If you have time to waste, waste it with this game.

That is all. Post on, good friends, post on.

PS: Dylan and I went sailing last weekend. He's a much better sailor that I, who is still mostly a landlubber who doesn't like tippy boats.


Blogger Jason Chua said...

I'm probably dropping advanced physics for general physics. The prospect of taking "PHY 106: Electricity and Masochism" does not amuse me.

2:36 PM, October 01, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Hmm...should Henrik take physics when he gets into college?

3:33 PM, October 01, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Hmm...should Henrik take physics when he gets into college?

3:33 PM, October 01, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

No physics for me this year, but I'll be facing the same decision. For now, I can just feel glad that I didn't take accelerated Computer Science.

7:14 PM, October 01, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

I think I've got the best physics deal at the moment. I'm TEACHING physics to 8th graders. This week (for the more advanced kids), I'm going to do a little crash course in calculus (calculus for kids in Algebra I...should be interesting).

12:43 AM, October 02, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

Also, sailing with Charles was awesome and he underrates his own sailing ability (and overrates mine). I also got introduced to MIT hallway art and the glory that is "Re-use."

12:45 AM, October 02, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

I strongly encourage everyone to take advanced physics. It builds character, a form of mathematical hazing, perhaps.

1:59 AM, October 02, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Speaking of Physics...

How about that Nobel?

2:43 AM, October 07, 2006

Blogger slaytonm said...

Sounds like physics is crazy, I'm so glad I don't have to take that ever again.

I came home for the weekend to visit my family, and my brother has lego star wars II. I usually hate video games, but I love it! You can just kill people and they disintigrate into lego pieces. It's satirical and amazing.

7:18 PM, October 07, 2006


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