Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


It's been far too long since I posted. I'm happily ensconced here in Minnesota and loving college. I had a disapointment in that I didn't get into the orchestra or a few other things I was hoping for, but in reality it might have been a good thing becuase I have a lot of spare time that I didn't plan on and becuase I haven't been spending my life in the music building I got out and made some friends. Hmmm... that's the longest sentence I think i have ever created.

St Olaf is pretty awesome. As stated earlier, the food is actually palatable and is varied enough that it doesn't get old. I also have free access to a massive new athletic center which includes a 60 ft. natural rock wall. I have been getting much better at my climbing. We also have a brand new wind turbine on campus that provides 1/3 of our power. On the minus side, a week before I got here a massive hail storm swept the town blowing out every windshield within a 5 mile radius with softball sized hail. So... there are some really sad houses with massive holes in their roofs that are covered with tarps.

It is frickin COLD here. All those who are going down to cali or similar places know that I am freezing my butt off in september for hells sake. I want to just be like WTF? I feel like I am back in alaska.

Anyway, I am going to go now

miss you all



Blogger Sam said...

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2:42 AM, September 21, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Bern! Glad to hear you are surviving in the northlands. I envy your climbing wall - Stanford has one with plastic handgrips, but no natural rock that I could see.

When the Iditarod comes around, I'll be expecting daily reports.

2:48 AM, September 21, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

Oh my word I love Northfield! And oh my word my word I love climbing! I'm so jealous...Calvin isn't getting a climbing wall for at least two years, so for now I have to content myself with semi-expensive rental equipment and a hike down the highway once a week for climbing club. Gaaa! I'm so visiting you. And you better sneak me in to the wall. Hey, will you go home over thanksgiving? Because I often visit my family in Minneapolis then and maybe I could swing by Northfield to say hi.

11:18 AM, September 25, 2006


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