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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Way to go Isaac and Henrik!

and anyone else who posts while I'm writing this.

So--now that I have some time to elaborate on my life

St Olaf is rockin it up. We're on fall break now so the dorm is more or less empty. It also means that I have the room to myself for the weekend. My roommate is awesome, but there is only so much time you can spend together. We are in the smallest dorms on the campus and there is approximately enough space for a goldfish. On the minus side, the caf is closed this weekend. On the plus side, I'm not eating caf food this weekend.

I had the joys of midterms last week. I actually felt pretty good about my physics test. I have high hopes for getting enough points to offset my abysmal homework grade (I'm of the "screw up on the homework and then learn from the mistakes" school of thought) We've also moved on to voltage and magnetism--things I understand much more than electric field. Which is odd given that both are derived from electric field.

Last weekend my orchestra gave it's first concert. Went pretty well, although I felt very bad for the stand in front of me. They were situated directly underneath an air vent. Their music would not stay still on the stand and at one point went flying into the audience forcing the girl to dive off the stage and chase it down in the middle of the quiet part. I know I'm not supposed to find humor in a situation like that, but I'm sorry; it was hilarious. Maybe just because I have way too many concert horror stories of my own.

I finally got a haircut today. I had high hopes upon moving to minnesota that the humidity would curl my hair a bit and I would have to deal with it less than in oregon. Alas, instead of curling it into a stylish, slightly cute muss, it transformed into a wavy ratty mop. weeellll.....crapola. Add that to the list of things I still have to worry about. After I got back to campus some friends and I decided on a whim (you get these ideas when the dorm is empty) to build a massive leaf pile. And I mean massive. We had it up 5-6 feet. When was the last time you did a backflip into a 6 foot pile of leaves? If it was more that two weeks you need to go build one. NOW.

Anyway, I think that is enough for me. I'm looking forward to hearing all of your stories.

post on!

Oh yeah--top 5
(a bit eclectic this time)

1) Hey, Hey -- Dispatch
2)mmbop -- Hanson
3)My humps -- black eyed peas
4)Crash -- DMB
5)Banana pancakes -- Jack Johnson

miss you all



Blogger Emma said...

mmbop? Wow, Minnesota is taking its toll... ^__^ Sounds like you're loving it. I'm glad!

11:08 AM, October 15, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Bern, that sounds delightful. Especially the leaf pile. What's you Religion class about?

5:03 PM, October 16, 2006


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