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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

In other news

I'm typing this at my Dad's house. I had my last final today. Christian Monasticism final. And that was fine. Actually, all my finals went well. I feel like all in all its been an excellent semester. Next one is going to be better though. I can feel it.

I'm listening to my cousin's band's cd right now. Its really good. Awful story: the band's singer, a good friend of my cousin, died of super-sudden and malignant cancer a couple weeks ago. Pretty heartbreaking. The guy was only 21 and an amazing talent. Such a shame.

My grandma just sent me a copy of their cd. Very odd to be listening to this right now.

I'm going to go read about pirates. I'll post more later. Just wanted to keep the momentum going.

Be well,


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Does a Christian monasticism final involve climbing a mountain and living on it for decades? Because you know, that's really the way to do it.

2:52 PM, December 20, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Yeah, it was pretty hard to cram the climb to the peak of the Inner Mountain, the thirty years of fasting, mortification and triumphing over demons, the returning to the world of men transformed with soul in body shining like a polished gemstone, and all those miracles (tidal-wave stopping, rain-calling, making-Italian-manger-hay-into-veterinary-medicinal-material -see St. Francis-) into three hours.

But, I'm pretty sure I did ok...

On a related note, I think I'm going to go check out vigils (the evening portion of the holy office) and midnight mass at a monastery called New Clairvaux (after the original Clairvaux in France where (St.) Bernard of Clairvaux -dude who called for the second Crusade, most significant representative of the Cistercian order, and perhaps the most influential figure in the Gothic period of European history- gets his name from) in Vina- about 40 minutes away from my hometown, along with my step-mom and her mom (who, unlike me, are actually Catholic).

Extra Credit?

2:45 AM, December 22, 2006


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