Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Monday, December 18, 2006

A proper posting to provoke a flood of more

Hello fellow TASPers,

It's 1:01AM. I'm sitting in total darkness waiting for my execution by physics final to begin in the morning. And somehow, this seems all too familiar.

I can pick out a couple of cool happenings around here (I went flying with my advising group, put a zelda triforce on MIT's dome ( , went to IHOP at 4AM, and maybe even slept some. But the thing is, I have no idea when anything happened. This semester has just been a blur of grueling weeks and fleeting weekends, ceaselessly pounding along. I love it here, but I'm to the point where I just need classes to be over so I can breathe normally again. Next month is Independent Activities Period, a no-classes exploration dealie-o, so I'll be working in the day and cutting frame members for Formula SAE at night. If any of you are going to be in Boston in January or early February, you should really stop by MIT. I'll launch a snowball at you with a homemade catapult, and I'll make you like it.

On a more serious note, I met a TASPer from the year before ours, and it just reminds me how lucky we were as a bunch to work so well together. Her TASP was fraught with the kind of sectarianism that plagued Jenny's year, and also was host to some really shockingly nasty behavior (hit me up sometime if you want to know). I suppose I never expected that other people would have had a really bad experience at TASP, so it just reinforces how all-around awesome we are. But you knew that.

As a final note, if you want to feel drunk without drinking a drop, try playing mario kart upside down sometime. Guaranteed motion sickness! And that's all the wisdom I have. Oh sweet physics, take me now.



Blogger Sam said...

The one and only Charles Wu returns! I'll be sure to drop by MIT if, by some blessed chance, I have the opportunity to do so in the next two months. And yes, UMich TASP '05 rocks!

6:08 PM, December 18, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

If only I could be in MA! We have a similar January term at Calvin, and I had an opportunity to spend it in the Grand Canyon climbing and getting Wilderness EMT certified, but for some reason I decided to stay on campus and take core. Why was that again? At least there's a good January lecture series. *sigh*

11:47 AM, December 19, 2006


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