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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I'm glad that everyone's OK. Good story: I called my friend in New Orleans. Good story continued: apparently her father decided that they could just hang tight. He was like, "I'm was a seaman! It will swing east!" And it did. They're in the 20% of New Orleans that's not underwater or damaged. I-10 is completely destroyed, though.

I got my driver's license today. The girl ahead of me failed because she slammed her car into one of the rails on the driving course. It made me a little bit nervous. Anyway, I am now licensed to drive, as long as my passengers are licensed and over 21, I'm not driving in the middle of the night, and I'm not chatting on a cell phone. Both other than that: freedom. Just in time for me to go back to school and not drive for nine months :)

I got an email from my dorm head. I'm about to begin emailing the freshman and assure them that dormitory fridges are not going to open up and eat them (or present secret passages into the land of Narnia, despite what they may have heard). The fridges do smell bad, though.

I'm off to go collegeing tomorrow through Friday.

I'll put it on the recommendations page, later, but you should all check out "The Best American Non-Required Reading, 2003." It's pretty darn awesome.

"Why do people use air fresheners? It's not like we think air fresheners smell really good. But we all use them, anyway."


Blogger Emma said...

I love how I can tell that it's you writing, Meredith, long before I see your name at the bottom of the post.

Rid, your posts are like that too.

6:31 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

The freshmen need fridge-usage-instructions / psyching up?

Me confused...

8:42 PM, August 31, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

Yes, sometimes they are confused and leave two week old Chinese food in the fridge, thinking that it will either stay good or turn into magic beans. I can't tell which. Also, they are afraid of leaving food in public spaces, probably rightly.

3:59 PM, September 03, 2005


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