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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just Saying Hi

The torrent of random, pointless, time-consuming, and headache-inducing school-work has lessened.


Which is why I decided to share with you all just how strange my Math teacher is (talk about a non-sequitur).

"How sexy is that? Check out the decimal places on that thing!"
-My math teacher, referring to a poissson probability distribution.

and not much later:

*sings* "Poisson, poisson, how I love poisson! ... Which film?"

*shrill cries of "Ariel!" and "The Little Mermaid!" from the more hyper-active students*

OK, how bored was I? I actually scribbled all that random teacher-drivel down in my notebook for lack of things to do. Anyway, life's OK at the moment, I'm simply plodding along, waiting for the workload to ease up (February is looking very attractive). Classes are more fun than last year though; the new English teacher believes in everybody's right to shout out and argue in class, so that keeps me awake. Other than that, I need to seriously consider my college apps. Oh joy.

Till later (but hopefully very soon-later, since it's a new month and my internet data-transfer volume problem has been solved! so I don't have to do picture-less surf mode and ration every minute spent online),


Oh, Emily I've started The Poisonwood Bible! Excited to see how it turns out.


Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Jason! Happy Birthday in advance in case they don't have internet in Idaho... I'm sorry too to hear that your work/stress load has been so horrible. Hope things smooth out in the next month. Best of luck.


1:28 AM, September 01, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Senior Math Competition is first week of February. Our team had its first meeting today. We are going to be tough competition. Arrrgh.


5:19 PM, September 01, 2005


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