Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Nothing's happening.

Let me elaborate. The weather's cold, my friends are either not back from their holidays or busy fending off summer work that was pushed back till the last moment (now) and is threatening to engulf us all... which reminds me that I have a crapload of boring school related stuff I've been putting off.

I talked a lot to the guy next to me on the trans-Atlantic flight. It turns out that Kansas is a state. How strange, I really always thought it was a small southern city. Unfortunately I only found this out after I'd asked my seat neighbour if he'd gone to the University of Texas at Kansas. Whoops. After this I fell asleep for seven hours leaning against the window, and woke up temporarily deaf in my right ear. Oh well...

I've been busy procrastinating, so I added all of you guys' homes to my version of Google Earth, at least the ones I have the addresses to. The distance separating my yellow marker in Vienna from all of yours in the States (the program resolutely refuses to acknowledge the existence of Sam's house) is just depressing when viewed on a global scale. Well, I guess that's what the internet's meant to remedy.

If Meredith or some other HTML-savvy person happens to read this, it would be great if we could get the recommendations page on the geocities website up and running, with suggestions for literature, music, movies etc. that the TASPers could contribute to. I tried to do it this afternoon, but was defeated by the (lack of) orange buttons.

If any of you haven't already heard of her - which I sort of doubt, seeing as she seems to be a pretty big act - check out Margaret Cho, a really funny Korean-American comedian. Some of the more hilarious clips are at

That's it for now.



Blogger Meredith said...

Sure can do, Jason. I'll start working on the recommendations page later tonight.

7:49 PM, August 09, 2005


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