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Thursday, September 08, 2005

i'm a human pack mule

Hey, TASPers!
The last couple days have been really wild. I'm a dorm proctor, so I have to come to school two days early. My dad dropped me off at school on Tuesday, but we arrived too late for me to pick up my packages at the post office, so I unpacked and had the momentary illusion that I was somewhere near finished with putting my room together. I'll post pictures of a boarding school dorm room later. Now, I am too lazy.
So, yesterday was the day of the new kids. We have thirteen new people, which is more than a third of the dorm being new. They were all so tiny and nervous! But they compensated by having 80 pound duffel bags that I had to lug up the stairs to their rooms. One girl parked a quarter of a mile away from the dorm. It was like, "HURK! Why, prep, why?"
And then their parents stood there looking very, very nervous about leaving their precious children in the dorm. Anyway, we had a cookout. As a dorm proctor, it's my responsibily, along with my cohorts, to go get food from the dining hall that we can use for the cookout. My dorm head leant us her kids' red, Radio Flyer wagon. And you know what I did? I rode it all the way to dining hall, having one of my fellow proctors drag me along. I was going like 20 mph down a hill at one point. Kids were like, "Nice ride." Damn straight.
There was also an ice cream social for the new kids, which was just complete pandemonium and a teeming mass of sweating humanity carrying ice cream sundaes around. I snuck out quickly to go see my friend's new room, and returned to find that, despite instructions, new people had wandered off. Oh well, they were all there for 9 p.m. check-in.
Dorm meeting to get the new kids situated with rules of the dorm and school. It involved a dress code fashion show. I was the kid who showed up wearing pajama pants. None of that at our school!
Today is old kid returning day and sports try-outs. Also, I'm giving a campus tour. I gave a tour of town yesterday, but I couldn't walk backwards because of all the streets. But today, today at last I shall walk backwards, a-la-college tours.

Alas! I must away. Duty calls.


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