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Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Koaly dilemma

Q: Why did the koala fall out of the tree?
A: Because it was dead.

Q: Why did the second koala fall out of the tree?
A: It was hit by a fridge.

Q: Why did the third koala fall out of the tree?
A: It thought it was a game.

Q: Why did the fourth koala fall out of the tree?
A: Peer pressure.

Q: Why did the fifth koala fall out of the tree?
A: I forgot, but I'm sure it was funny.

Q: Why did the tree fall down?
A: It thought it was a koala.

So I believe you all remember my koala joke, but a brilliant idea hit me: this is a joke with infinite possibilities. Maybe the koala passed out, maybe he was pushed by French camels in Antarctica. But only you, TASPers, can decide. So, why do you think the koala fell out of the tree? I want comments, this is important business!

From Me:
-The koala was romantically involved with a jealous leopard seal

From Matt S:
-it had epilepsy
-the other koala pushed him
-he had an inner ear disorder...
-koalas are cuddly


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