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Saturday, October 01, 2005

Amazing Bible Studies, Sleigh Ride with Tevye, and Charles' Koala

Hey y'all,
As I assume you all know, the URL of our most illustrious blog is Now, first examine closely, then follow the link below:
Armageddon, Aaron's Christian Search Engine, alphabetical listing of 667 sins . . . this website has got it all. Two letters switched, that's all it takes. We all had a moment of panic here, thinking that this site had actually replaced the blog. Thankfully, the folks at are more on top of things than their counterparts at the good old U of M.
Did you guys know you can sing the lyrics to "Jingle Bells" to the tune of "Fiddler on the Roof"? Perfect for all Yiddish-themed Christmas events.

Why did the koala fall out of the tree?

- It was looking for skunks.

- It was wasted by a bubble sniper.

- The Holocaust.

- Its eucalyptus addiction and gambling debts drove it to the point of desperation.

- Malevolent TASPers sprayed the tree with concentrated peach air-freshener fumes, causing the koala to lose consciousness.

- A body acted on by a resultant force will accelerate in the direction of that force such that the body's rate of change of momentum is proportional to the magnitude of the force.

- A Communist conspiracy.

- Why? Do you have a problem with it? Do you have a problem with koalas? Are you some kind of koala-hater? Well, let me tell you, pal, in this country, we believe in equality and tolerance, and that goes for koalas too! Don't think we're going to let some chauvinist bigot infringe upon the cherished freedoms given to us by the august Bill of Rights. You can take your narrow-minded attitude out of here right now before I decide to exercise the Second Amendment on your sorry little anti-marsupial self.



Blogger Sam said...

Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, check this out:



5:36 PM, October 01, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

That's the most amazing thing I've read all day.

5:49 PM, October 01, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

I feel flattered that our blog is wonderful and popular enough that it should be blogpsot-ed.

As for that koala...
-being the theatrical type, the koala was trying to act out how the ending of Hamlet might have differed if the characters had been given access to semi-automatic weapons.

-she was the only koala left, and since the necessary axioms from Euclid have convincingly proven that one is the loneliest number, she decided to quell her sadness by following the other koalas in their falls.

-FDR, Hirohito, and Stalin decided to fight him and sent him head-over-heals flying out of the tree.

-Elle n'a parle pas l'Anglais, et parce qu'elle etait tres malheureuse avec ce piece d'information, elle a tombe.

-He spilled 350ml of 4.0 molar HCl on his pants and fell out of the tree screaming because of the resulting acid burns.

6:02 PM, October 02, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

And although no tree is 1,600 feet tall, and most koalas probably can't type 60 words per minute (think about those claws), this one was writing the longest note it could.

5:11 PM, October 03, 2005


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