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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Moving Pictures

While de-cluttering my harddrive today, I stumbled across this stash of little video clips taken at TASP with my spectacularly inadequate camera. So apologies for the crappy quality. Anyway, I've probably talked about this before, but I'll ask now: anybody interested?

If so, any suggestions as to how I can share the videos or post them on the internet or whatever?

Oh and Henrik, I didn't dress up as anything for Hallowe'en either. We had the most spirit-sapping, dismally chilly drizzle, so not many trick-or-treaters came around, although we did get a few hard-core ones to whom I basically gave all our candy. It's not like I would have hoarded it for myself. I'm one of those who thinks most sweets are a waste of time. Including chocolate. And ice cream (remember the Washtenaw Dairy, where I gave up on "one" scoop?). Strange, huh?



Blogger Sam said...

It's a good thing you didn't mention that you thought ice cream was "a waste of time" in Michigan, Jason, or I'm afraid you might have placed yourself in a very hostile environment.

I'm surprised you had any trick-or-treaters at all in Vienna; Dutch people do not celebrate Halloween in any way, and I assumed that was the rule across Europe. Here, you have to go to Wassenaar, home of the American School and a gathering place for American expatriates, (especially those who REALLY REALLY miss America), to find trick-or-treating.

10:56 AM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Haha, mercy, mercy! Ice cream's generally wasted on me, is what I meant to say... since I don't go gaga over it like most people.

Yeah, kids here do actually go through the whole Hallowe'en hoopla, except their version of "trick or treat, treat or treat, give us something good to eat" is "Süßes oder Saures?!", which simply doesn't have the same ring to it.

11:08 AM, November 02, 2005


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