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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Random Thought

OK, my friends suddenly began taking screenshots of their computers and sending them around. Which got me wondering; do you think we can tell something about a person's character by the way they organize their desktop?

Because look, some people have teeny tiny chat windows scattered around, others use only fullscreen windows, some people use a double layered navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, empty desktop, cluttered desktop, weird Apple-inspired dock with icons at the top (or bottom) of the screen... and then think of Charles' laptop with the funky CIA theme... the number of permutations is vast!

Well actually, the real point of this post is to distract me from my TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Presentation which is due in... 13 hours. I haven't started, it's 12:47 AM, so this looks to be a long night.

I am definitely going to feel crappy when I wake up. If I ever get to bed, that is.



Blogger Sam said...

For TOK Presentations, just

A. Have a nice big visual aid with a large-print list of all your Problems of Knowledge, and be sure to read through them and say "These are problems of knowledge."

B. Be sure to mention every single Way of Knowing and Area of Knowledge you can, even in passing.

In my experience (2 TOK Presentations of my own last year, plus sitting through those of my classmates), if you have these two things and a decent topic, you will always get at least 80%. In any case, best wishes for tomorrow!

Epistemoligick boldly!

5:37 PM, November 21, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

The presentation went well. It didn't really have a point, but I randomly spewed TOK jargon, so the teacher liked it... haha!

I'm rather happy, because this means that for all practical purposes, I'm done with TOK. Wahey! I was the first to present, so all that's going to be happening from now till Christmas is other people's presentations.

Which means 90 minutes more free time per school-week. Not much, but definitely helpful.

Speaking of IB related stuff... I've found out my mock exam schedule. And it's baaaaaaad. English oral exam on Wednesday 1st February, fly off to London on Thursday to meet Sam (Yay!), return on Sunday, to find horrid week of written exams ahead of me.

Ah well, that's basically in the distant future. Not worth stressing about yet. Because there's work related crap due for tomorrow (technically, later this "morning"). Which I haven't yet done.

As you can tell, I'm starting to blog my homework related frustrations. It's a passing phase, I promise. So just ignore this.

7:00 PM, November 21, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Sorry, Jason, I have no pity for you. My mocks start Monday, January 9, the first day back from Christmas break. Plus I'm going to be in California until the 6th or so. Which means not only horrid written exams, but jetlag. Morituri te Salutant.

4:54 PM, November 22, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Urgh... those exams are early... (horrifically so). But whatever, you'll do fine! Although the jetlag thing will suck.

Still, I can't wait for the Christmas Holidays... only four more weeks!

6:09 PM, November 22, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

*snap snap*!

4:23 PM, November 23, 2005


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