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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanksgiving Break (or How not to Finish Applications)

Wooo! As of 10:55 this morning, I have been on Thanksgiving Break! So I went out for lunch with my mum and sister, and now I'm going to go play football with some friends before orchestra rehearsal! wooo! Doesn't it feel wonderful to have no school for almost a week and at least one day of total gluttony ahead of you? That's nearly a week of college applications and feverish bassoonicking before chair auditions on Monday! Oh. wait. Never fear! This is a vacation! I will enjoy it!

Top five holiday traditions (oo! oo! you next!)
5. Making study baskets for all the billions of college students my mum knows before final exams.
4. My Dad gets us each a book for Christmas
3. Make carmel corn on the Saturday after Thanksgiving with my cousins in Minneapolis (Helas, we won't be going to their house this year)
2. Go bowling on Thanksgiving
1. Cutting and decorating a real Christmas tree (I know, that organization Sam showed us would be proud.)


Blogger Dylan said...

We cut our own trees too, but not this early...

3:25 PM, November 22, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

This will require some thought . . . holiday traditions are serious business. I am so emotionally involved with my traditions that I'm not sure I can bear to top-5 them; it seems to somehow trivialize them. Nevertheless, I will give it a shot.

4:57 PM, November 22, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

OK, here goes. Five of my favorite traditions . . .

5. Decorating a (real) tree with our collection of highly symbolic (to us) ornaments

4. Our advent calendar (a Santa head with 25 nails hammered in the beard - you put Lifesavers on the nails and eat them one by one)

3. Acting out the Nativity story on Christmas Eve

2. We get new pajamas and a book on Christmas (the book is to read in the morning if we wake up too early)

1. My dad reads "A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas aloud to us.

4:52 PM, November 23, 2005


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