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Friday, December 09, 2005

snow day!

Wooooo! ha! My guess is, Nestor, Samyukta, Chris, Henrik, and probably Meredith and Dylan if you didn't go to boarding schools all had snow days too. So guess how I spent it? Spending seven incredibly long hours at school staring at a computer screen doing newspaper layout. Ick. But we finished it! and it will probably be the best newspaper we've made so far. If you can't tell from this massively incoherent, inarticulate, and ingrammatical post, I really don't care if what I write sounds like a seventh grader and I'm not even thinking about editing. Problem with having a tiny fifteen person newspaper staff: I have to write multiple articles, take all my own pictures , do layout, copy edit, and go get lunch for everyone because very few people on staff can drive. All this on a day when the school declared it unsafe for me to leave my house. I am so thankful that we didn't have school. If we did, I would still be twenty minutes away from leaving the layout room. *big sigh* So how did the rest of you spend your snow day?


Blogger berno said...

yeah, we had about a foot of snow a week ago and it hasn't gotten above 25 for the time between then and now, so it has all gotten packed down into an ice rink (no kidding--I can skate all the way from the school to my house), but here in oregon we don't really beleive in snow days, so we just fishtail it to school.

1:15 AM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

My school hasn't had a snow day in decades. It's really rather annoying, at times.

7:22 AM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

My snow day was the best thing that has happened in December for me so far. I got up at 6 AM (no joke) to check my school's website for a snow day confirmation. Meanwhile, as I am automatically logged on to my yahoo messenger, I realized that like seven of my friends back in India were online, and thus I spent a good two hours talking to them. It was much fun. Then I did some college work (can't get away from THAT). I finished the Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (I LOVED it), and then in the evening went to see The Chronicles of Narnia with a bunch of friends. The movie was superbalicious. But the oldest dude, Peter, was a silly butt. Anyway, we headed over to a friend's house, whose name incidentally is also Sam (ok that wasnt important), and that kid has a killer pool table, table tennis table (haha), and like a casino looking basement with cards, an alcohol counter and chess tables (these boards are actually inscribed into the table which is fixed to the floor). He has an amazing domestic life, I must say. I have also realized that I can't play pool to save my life. But hehe, you don't want to take me on in Asshole.

11:05 AM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

alcohol counter? I'd almost forgotten your little Samyuisms :-D

11:58 AM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Oh my word! I love Jhumpa Lahiri! I did my TASP literary analysis on her short story A Real Durwan. If you haven't read Interpreter of Maladies you have to. I also love Chronicles of Narnia! CS Lewis is like some sort of amazing hero in my community, so pretty much everyone has read all of his books five times and has them memorized. My dad read the Narnia books to me and my sister twice when we were little, but we were so scared of the monkey in The Last Battle that we had to skip that one the second time through. How was the movie?

12:01 PM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Interpreter of Maladies gets a thumbs-up from me. As does C.S. Lewis and assorted works, esp. the Chronicles of Narnia. The Horse and his Boy is hands-down the best one.

4:53 PM, December 10, 2005

Blogger slaytonm said...

I had a snow day too... have to love it.

I squandered most of it with some physics studying and listening to pink floyd (really great for math/physics btw.)

You're snow days sound much more interesting, lol.

5:56 PM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

The movie was extreeeemely derivative. (Wait, Dylan, is that the correct usage of the word?) It was full of Lord of the Rings kinda scenes. But I didnt know whether the books took some ideas from LOTR or rather, the director of Narnia. (I really want to read the books soon). I heard that the books have loads of Christian imagery in them, but it wasn't that apparent in the movie. (Or maybe, I was just too bored (or ignorant) to figure 'em out). Whoa, a parenthetical in a parenthetical. hmm..
Peter was a bum. He looked like he was a really tall three year old. But the other actors (and actresses), especially the youngest, Lucy, were mindblowing. The witch was pretty good too. And I think that the animation must have taken ages, coz it was indistinguishable from the real film-ing.
And the battle scenes looked like they were set up from LOTR - 2 towers (which by the way is showing today and tomorrow on TNT at 8, I think), especially since both films were shot in New Zealand, but they lacked any sort of that inspiring passion that the 2 towers possessed.
All in all, it was a good see.

7:08 PM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Ja, Lewis was a pretty hard-core theologian. That is, if hard-core can be an adjective to describe theologian...which seems a bit off.

10:01 PM, December 10, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Hard-core theologians . . . wow, my imaginations runs wild.

4:08 PM, December 13, 2005


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