Gorillaz in the cave
I saw this article and thought of hanging out in the cave (I'm calling the computer room in the basement the "cave" because "computer room in the basement" just isn't working for me).
talk about an in-ter-dis-ci-pli-nar-y competition. And if you don't read the whole article, just check out the last four paragraphs. Quick Charles Wu: how would you program a virtual band to react (how're you doing Dylan?) to a live audience?

Maybe they had a volume sensor in the audience? More likely, methinks, is that a guy sat in the back pressing buttons for specific scripted events when the audience did something worth a response.
5:44 PM, January 10, 2006
It would have been great to see them. I wonder what this "react" entails, because if it's something like waving at that screaming/swooning fan who's practically clambered onto the stage... then that's very impressive.
Charles's guy-at-back-pressing-buttons idea sounds likely. 'Twould actually be a fun job for a few nights.
7:15 PM, January 10, 2006
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