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Monday, January 09, 2006

i can never think up a good title...

So I just had my Rochester interview this weekend. Apparently I'm a contender for one of their merit scholarships, and this interview was required. So I was really tense, and dressed up like a college post-graduate, and went over it in my mind, rehearsing questions like what I'm currently reading, why I like writing, blah blah.. you know what I mean.
We were supposed to meet up at the local B & N, and I reached there a few min before ten, and seated myself next to the window at an intimate two chair table, figuring that the lady wasn't there yet. Supposedly she was right next to me, and her table was strewn with Rochester brochures, but I was too nervous to even notice. So we just hung about until 10:20 Am, until she called my cell, and saw that it rang at my table. It was simply hilarious. According to her, I looked too old and mature and sophisticated (25yr old Samyu!!) and so she assumed that I wasn't the one. haha
But the interview went well. It also was more like an info session, except she did comment at the end that she had talked more than I had, which made me nervous... The thing is, her fiancee joined us, and they spent a good part reminiscing about their times together at Rochester. Verry annoying..

Oooh guess what??! I just got published in this magazine called Authors of Tomorrow! It's awesome, except I think that this mag's readership is just the 20-30 people who buy it to look at their names in print. But w/e... =] It asked me to choose between five topics - I did the career essay and just used my Telluride essay. They do come in handy for these kinda things!

I just got a letter from the Columbia Science Honors Program thing that I attend. I have to choose a course for spring semester (actually I have to name my top three choices). Last year I took Neurobiology, Development and Disease. It was great because of the people in there, not because of the class. Seriously, it all went over my head.
So here's the course listing for this time. You guys need to help me choose.
1. Experiments in Genetics and Molecular Bacteriology
2. Pathogenesis and Immunity
3. Microbial Genetics and Genomics
4. Human Physiology
5. Neurobiology of Development and Disease
6. Introduction to Psychology
7. Compartitve Psychology
8. Organic Chemistry
9. Computer modeling and Visualization in Chemistry
10. Computer Programming in Java
11. Calculus in the Complex Plane
12. Concepts in Biological Physics
13. Experiments in Atomic and Nuclear Physics
14. Cosmology, Fundamental Particles and Relativity
15. Astronomy - The Solar System and Beyond.

I kinda want to do something with physics or calculus this time - so I'm looking at the latter half of this list more closely.
Any advice? Have any of you ever taken these subjects before? Preppies?

See ya,


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Orgo chem! Muahahahahahah! Actually, don't do orgo chem, because it's supposed to be one of the hardest classes one will take as a scientist. Experiments in Atomic Physics sounds the coolest, just because you get to mess with massively expensive equipment (I assume)

7:38 PM, January 09, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

11. Calculus in the Complex Plane--Cool stuff. Did some while studying the Mandelbrot set in chaos theory. Complex derivatives are just like regular derivatives--except you approach from more directions (mwuahaha).

8:32 PM, January 09, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

Oh, my physics teach worships Brian Greene.
Like, seriously.

11:31 PM, January 09, 2006

Blogger berno said...

I dont know, Charles. Fundamental particles might get to work with cooler toys. think hadron collider. oh yeah!

2:25 AM, January 10, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Calculus in the Complex Plane! I haven't done it, but calculus is verry cool and complex numbers are too. Math rocks!

3:15 PM, January 10, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

woo for abstract thought!

3:21 PM, January 10, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Why was her fiance there? Seems a little irrelevant to the meeting and inconsiderate to me... unless all that reminiscing was somehow formally planned to show you the social side of Rochester...? I'm confused.

Experiments in Atomic and Nuclear Physics sounds like it will be massive fun if they actually let you at the equipment. Is it where you simply go over the theory?

7:23 PM, January 10, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

No, the course description just says "Laboratory and theoretical work on the properties of electrons and photons, the structure and dynamics of atoms, the radioactive decay of nuclei, and the properties of elementary particles."

Also, Adam, why would she be reading this? lol

8:17 PM, January 10, 2006

Blogger berno said...

Maybe Adam really attended Rochester where, doing theoretical research in physics he switched his and your interviewer's brains meaning that HE WAS REALLY YOUR INTERVIEWER!!! The other dude is currently trapped in the body of a UMich student thinking "majoring in power? what the heck? there is no such thing as a power major. this kid's wierd."

10:52 PM, January 10, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Cue Adam cackle and >=) smiley.

3:05 AM, January 11, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

mmmm Brian Greene...good taste, Rid. :)

Samyu, take Experiments in Atomic and Nuclear Physics so I can live vicariously through you! My AP Physics class is so mindless and lame...

Love and love,


12:54 AM, January 12, 2006


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