Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Hey there!

Sam and Henrik, I'm insanely happy for you! It looks like California could receive quite a few (more) UMich TASPers next year.

Ridley, your weekend sounds amazing, all these TASPish experiences sweetened with bubble tea. Can't wait to see more photos. By the way, isn't the date for your haircut-to-end-all-haircuts coming up sometime soon?

Bern, here's a BIG E-HUG from me. Hopefully things will be better soon.

Speaking of long-lost TASPers like Nestor -- Ridley do you still have contact with Sophie? And what happened to Emily and Lisa? Christina's also been disturbingly quiet. I also wonder whether Jenny reads this blog, or whether she's too busy preparing for this summer's batch of Cornellian TASPers (remember she'll be co-factoting there with one of the St. Louis factota from '05). Hmm...

Anyway, let me tell you a little something about my school. Every spring the Junior class gives several performances of what is optimistically called a cabaret, with each year coming up with a different theme. My year, it was the rather uninspired "Hollywood" night, but guess what it's going to be this year? Pirates.

I admit, it's probably going to be an awesome show, and so fiendishly easy to tailor the food, decor, and entertainment to match the theme as well. This is one of those very (very very) rare occasions when siding with ninjas would just be plain wrong. Can you imagine how boring and silent a ninja-themed show would be?

I have discovered that I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers (marvel at how behind-the-times I am) and Corinne Bailey Rae.



Blogger Sam said...

Yes, Jason, you must participate in/attend Pirate Night. It just wouldn't be sporting not to. Although I'm sure you could put on a pretty excellent ninja show if you were creative enough.

12:22 PM, March 18, 2006


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