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Thursday, March 16, 2006

TASPers Unite!!!

There is a page for all AB Duke scholars finalists, and I... uh... well, you see... okay, I inadvertantly started a Pirate vs. Ninjas debate. One of the current scholars had a profile going on and on about pirates, so I had to retaliate in the name of TASP.

Charles- I cited your excellent mathemtical model, and don't worry I said"Charels Wu, a genius by all accounts, wrote this..." and also argued that:
"Now I used to be a pirate-guy, but I have since changed for a very simple reason. Pirates may have more in the 'coolness' column, but Ninjas have a mystique that can top that. Besides, pirates can't keep all of their limbs on their bodies, just imagine what a ninja could do to such a weak being. A pirate might have a sword, pistol, and parrot (presumably trained in aerial combat) but Ninjas can move so fast that they will be younger then when they started, and no clumsy pirate who is a veritble 17th century cyborg (note the wooden and metallic parts) could possibly survive such an attack."

I implore you to blog your most convincing pirate vs. ninja arguments, and TASP can take on these people!!!

svmvs invictvs

(I dunno, it seemed like a cool slogan)


Blogger Emma said...


Oh my, you ninja types....

5:35 PM, March 16, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

I was pretty proud of my historical arguments: ninjas as the sophisticated yet blue-collar secret agents of feudal Japan (clever monkly disguises, flutestaffs, etc.) versus the impoverished, malnourished, and short-lived wretches we now call pirates. Please use all those ideas to better our ninja cause.

And I'm sure Napoleon Dynamite is a ninja. No question.

4:12 PM, March 17, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Ninjas are feared and treated with breathless respect.

Pirates are ridiculed. By Disney.

Remember Captain Hook?

6:58 PM, March 17, 2006


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