Nestor, Modern India, and Nutella
While an article in the New York Times tells me that "the father of modern India" is Ghandi, my AP World Textbook tells me that it is, in fact, Ram Mohan Roy. Can anyone clear this up for me? Are they both entitled to this...title?
In news of the future, Nestor may come and visit me this weekend. Maybe I'll be able to get him to finally post something. But if not, we'll be a-snowboarding and celebrating St. Patty's Day. Any long-awaited messages for him?
I also heard from Vermont Academy and Cambridge School of Weston, and I got into both prep-schools. I still have to hear from Northfield Mount Hermon and Idyllwild, which are virtually the only schools of the 4 that I care about. So if I don't get in to the latter two, I'll probably do something else next year.
Senior play just got over and done with, I found it quite fun. It actually brought the senior class together, I was surprised. With the general animosity between cliques and socioeconomical groups, I'd say it was pretty uplifting to see this merge.
But other than that, AP exams are in 2 months. Better start studying. As they say, cramming it all in during the 11th hour sucks. I'll make a note not to fall into that cycle. All righty then, I'm gonna go eat a Nutella and Honey sandwhich. Goodbye.
Worry not my friend. I will get back to you in full one of these long days. Hope all is well. I know that you will wreck havoc on those APs.
1:16 AM, March 13, 2006
Congratulations on the other schools though!
And oh, I wish I could take AP World, I seriously do. I hate it when people know so much about cultures and countries and I don't. I guess, I'll have to wait for college for that though.
Gandhi is called the father of the nation, or the father of independent india. But Ram Mohan Roy was responsible for the legal elimination of many practices like sati (burning widows on the funeral pyre of the husband), child marriages, and I think dowry too, but I'm not sure about that. So, he's called the father of modern India. I guess the confusion here is the connotations of the word modern here.
And you're so much better about planning for exams than I am! haha, forget about review, i have no idea what's going on in my classes right now.
6:07 PM, March 13, 2006
Nutella and honey . . . *gag*
3:40 PM, March 14, 2006
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