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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Fun with panicky juniors

From a forum taking about the wait for TASP decisions (very soon, btw):

The other night I had two nightmares about TASP. In the first, I got to TASP, and everyone was snotty and mean. They all thought I was a stupid country bumpkin because my only exposure to Russian poetry is a few translated works by Pushkin. I kept on saying that I don't like poetry--I like novels.

In the second dream, I was waiting in the hallway while the committee debated my admission. My English teacher (who wrote my rec) comes out of the room and glares at me, yelling that I forgot to write two of the essays. Later, she reemerges to tell me that I might have gotten into the Civil Rights seminar, but only because so few people applied, "TASP has really lowered its expectations."

And this is my vacation!

Oh my.

Did you guys ever stress out about the program? I never thought about it after my interview; in fact I was quite surprised to see any notice at all from TA.

Oh, and quick top five violin concertos:
1. Wieniawski No.1 (still love it)
2. Tchaikovsky
3. Brahms
4. Sibelius
5. Shostakovich No.1


Blogger Jason Chua said...

I remember seeing that post and cracking up. I pretty much forgot about TASP after handing in the application, but after my interview I started wanting to go to TASP really really badly, especially because my interviewer went on and on about her experience and it sounded amazing. Didn't have any nightmares, though. I sure hope that applicant is accepted. Otherwise the consequences could be ugly.

7:53 PM, April 16, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

I didn't even freaking know what TASP was. I just got the thing in the mail and was like, "Oh, that sounds like a cool way to spend the summer." And then I got in and I was like, sweet. It was only during/after TASP that I found out it was a big deal. That's kind of how I live. I applied to boarding school with no idea about selectivity and prestige and all that, it just sounded neat.
I wrote essays, interviewed, and didn't think about it again until it was time to send in the forms. I remembered that my interviewer was hipster and awesome, and I wanted to be like her, but I definitely didn't stress.
That person's nightmares sounded kind of like a collegeconfidential post, I'm not gonna lie. A lot of kids on that site have a lot of stress issues, and just need to relax, I think.

8:16 PM, April 16, 2006

Blogger slaytonm said...

I agree, I only felt slightly nervous once I found out what TASP actually was (after the interview and everything)

9:38 PM, April 16, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Oh Mer, you're so... clairvoyant?

10:26 PM, April 16, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

I suppose so. Or I've got some damn good dumb luck.

10:42 PM, April 16, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

After I sent in my app, I did not expect to get the interview. After I had my interview, I did not expect to get in. After I got in it was pretty anticlimactic...a little like college admissions. Though I'm sure that most of university will be nowhere near as amazing as that six weeks with you folks. Ah well, so it goes. Its a pleasure to know ya. I'm glad I was wrong about my chances.

2:52 AM, April 17, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

My mom applied to TASP when she was in high school, made it to the interview, and then didn't get chosen. She was pretty disappointed. So when I got the application, there was much excitement in the house. But I never really stressed about it because there were other things I wanted to do during my summer and I wasn't sure I wanted to go to TASP even if I got in. I didn't think my interview was that impressive either . . . but when I got the acceptance letter, it was a pretty big thrill, and it seemed stupid not to go. As it would have been.

3:18 PM, April 17, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

I had the exact same thing as Meri. I didn't know it was that big until Matt started talking it up during the summer. I guess I wasn't so excited when I got in, but that was only because I didn't realize it was so hard. I almost didn't go since Michigan was my last choice, but I'm so glad I did! And of course, when I got there I was like, "Whoa, these kids are brilliant." I'd say it all worked out pretty well....

6:26 PM, April 17, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

And Sibelius definately makes my list, too.

3:28 PM, April 18, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

Honestly, I started feeling really creeped out by the idea of living in the prairie learning liberal artsy stuff after I got my acceptance letter.
Though I probably came off as all worldy and knowing in my interview. I'm good with interviews.
I didn't want to go at all. I was tense, and unhappy when I got the acceptance letter, because over the previous six months, I started having second thoughts.
I finally decided to attend when I realized that I hadn't any good backups.
What a GOOD decision though! I'm happy I went.

7:15 PM, April 18, 2006

Blogger berno said...

Yeah, I had what I refer to as EST or Essay Second Thoughts--by which I mean that I was like "thats really cool" and then I read the essays required for the app and I said "maybe I should just work this summer".
glad I did them anyway

and tchaikovsky does rock, but I am still partial to barber (I never did it, but my sister did)

5:14 PM, April 23, 2006


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