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Monday, May 29, 2006

mediocre art

I'm done with classes now, and that means I got to take my work home from art class last Friday. Seauuuuu, I thought I'd put up some of the prints made from that one photo of Meredith, Jason and Soph. I'm sorry if you don't look like you ought, but you must realize that I'm new at this. It was a ton of fun, though. ^__^


Blogger Jason Chua said...

Haha, cool... but why does meri look androgynous...

9:50 PM, May 29, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

Because I carved her face first and I sucked at it.

11:27 AM, May 30, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

Hahaha, I'm okay with looking like an alien (a really hot alien).

11:32 AM, May 30, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

I think sophie's portrait is pretty accurate, if that's what you were going for

2:19 PM, June 04, 2006


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