Talk about musicking.
some friends showed me it. Apparently it's legit. The website is endlessly entertaining.
Yay for senior prank day! Our class represented ourselves well by stealing and hiding every single computer cable in the school--power, network, monitor- all of them.
Me and a friend are formulating ideas for a college senior prank that would involve suspending a grand piano 20 ft in the air. It's not quite fleshed out yet.
We had our band awards last night. I cleaned up. They're kind of like senior awards ("most likely to become overlord of mars") except we all know each other way too well so they are far more meaningful--even if you would rather them not be. For the second year running I was voted the "future Mr. H [our director] award". The real honor, however, is that I also managed to pull down not only the "biggest whiner" award, but also the "most arrogant male". It takes diligence to win those two--let me tell you. Oh--and me and my aforementioned friend were voted the "amorous trysting couple".
The weird thing is that, unlike two days ago, I don't mind whatsoever. It is kind of like the phrase five days left, five days left, five days left has begun reverberating in my head and I am immune to anything. I'm actually a bit proud of the whining arrogance.
Wonderful to see that Adam still exists. Gosh... you would never guess it by his participation on this blog. Adam? Adam?
Top 5 right now (laugh at me if you wish)
5. Sultans of swing--Dire straits
4. My Sharona--the knack
3. you spin me right around--marilyn manson
2. Yeah--Usher (sorry Rid)
and a very clear winner
1. Goodbye Earl--Dixie chicks
miss you all
Goodby Earl? *shakes head*
That is some list.
4:58 PM, May 20, 2006
i agree
11:42 AM, May 21, 2006
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