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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

45 Virgins and a Pelican

New word!

mondegreen: the mishearing (usually accidental) of a phrase, such that it acquires a new meaning

Check out the wikipedia article, which gives etymology and a great list of examples.

I happened upon a TASP mondegreen the other day, listening to Bob Dylan's "Too Much of Nothing": Too much of nothing/ Can make a man a-musicking . . . But alas, it seems that Christopher Small wasn't plagiarizing Dylan after all - the real lyric is "Can make a man abuse a king."




Blogger Jason Chua said...

"Quite a few mondegreens may be seen in captioned live television broadcasting of impromptu speeches, interviews, etc."

The best source has got to be the subtitles of pirated movies.

4:55 PM, May 17, 2006


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