a return.
Well, the worst part of being a forensics state champion is that I have to record my speech on tape. The best part of being a forensics state champion is that I get to make this recording in Ann Arbor. So, I skipped school and went back today! I went with my coach, my friend Noha who won in oratory in the smaller school division and her coach, and the executive director of the Michigan Forensics Association took us out to dinner (he also happens to be my coach's fiance), and I got to spend two hours just running around A2!!!! (I don't think I can add enough exclaimation marks to express my joy, so I'll cap it at four.) I visited all the old haunts, went broke buying books at The Dawn Treader, ran into Adam(!), and took loads of pictures. I cannot even say how much fun it is, so I'll just post pictures and hope that suffices:
How many thousands of students are there on this campus? And yet I ran into Adam!

Woohoo seminar room! Sadly, the door was locked.

It's still there! Oh yeah, TASP '05! Let those new kids just see the legacy we left!

Gotta love the bravery/insanity of those campus squirrels...

I like that you ran into Adam. So improbable and excellent.
10:02 PM, May 17, 2006
You lucky dog!
11:11 PM, May 17, 2006
Aww... these photos just made me so happy.
3:11 PM, May 18, 2006
way cool
5:30 PM, May 19, 2006
congrats on the forensics thing btw
5:31 PM, May 19, 2006
6:45 PM, May 19, 2006
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