A Blast from the Past
So I was browsing through Jason's 1285 (!!!!!!!!) pictures from TASP and I realized, TASP is so much better in full motion video (with sound, no less). Therefore, I bring you a collection of the most attractive faces in the world, in glorious Technicolor:
House Meeting Mayhem
Hey Sugar!
A Product of Soviet Gymnastics
So the hand says to the face... SLAP!
Henrik Fu + bonus rape sequence
Oompa Loompa outtakes
Oompa Loompa Loodedoo
The shaving commences
Munch would be proud
I have no idea what's going on here
Girl's got some moves!
Girls have some moves!
and last but not least,
"Hey Jason, you dropped your name tag."
11:48 AM, July 04, 2006
3:13 PM, July 04, 2006
Oh those are hilarious!
And I haven't pined for TASP this acutely since the month after we left Ann Arbor.
9:17 PM, July 04, 2006
Grrr, I can't get these to play! Windows Media Player opens and claims to be "Connecting", but the movies won't even start loading. Maybe it's hopeless (especially now that I've arrived in sub-Saharan Africa and have regressed to 44.0 Kbps dial-up), but if there's some way I can download them, please let me know!
5:07 PM, July 06, 2006
Hahahaha, I don't think I'll ever get over the oompa loompa outtake where Nestor just SLAMS his ass into the television console and looks like he's about to die.
We were just as excellent as I remembered.
I don't remember ANY of that being taped, though.
11:52 PM, July 09, 2006
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