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Friday, June 23, 2006

World Cup Fever

So, oddly enough, I haven't left yet. I'm actually about to scram in 15 minutes. But...

I have been watching the games attentively. Give a hand for Germany? Anyone? They are kicking some good ol' arsch out there. But I must say, them Brazilians! I can just tell, their holding everything in for the games that call upon the most passion, the most intensity. So far, they haven't been playing too well. But when Japan gave them scored on them, making it 1 - 0 for the Japanese, the Brazilians really knew how to start playing. A major comeback, but of course, expected. Teams to watch this year: Ghana, Argentina, and Ecuador. With the way things have been going for them, I'd say World Cup Fever may thwart any opponent, even the Brazilians, from the bracket. Although I agree with Charles that Brazil may take the cup, the whole essence of the World Cup is that anything can happen. Davids have beat Goliaths multiple times, its almost cliche that a huge upset will happen every tournament.

But otherwise, I don't know how frequently I'll be able to Blog in Europe, guys. But if I find an internet cafe anywhere, you can be sure I'll give you all an update. At first, I'll be in Germany with the family for a one week, and then I'll be alone with Andrea for two. Kinda scary, now that it's finally happening, but it'll be all good. Plus, I may be able to visit this Telluridean guy (Rid says he was a factotum) who's staying in Stuttgart. I got his email and all, and maybe, just maybe, the blue and yellow smoke on the horizon signals a blind Telluride reunion (does that even work? I mean, blue and yellow aren't everyone's colors in Telluride Association. There should be a flag! Crikey!)

So, I hope all goes well. I'm bringing Small's 'Musicking' with me for a re-read, and maybe I'll be able to respond to the intense transitive verbicking discussions of Bern and Sam. Who knows, but all in all, I'll talk to you guys later. (Sorry I haven't been posting much recently, by the way.)

Aufwiedersehn (I'm prety sure that's not how you spell it, someone correct it for me)



Blogger Meredith said...

Have fun in Germany!

I remember when I thought I was going to be a professional soccer player (age 10) and I watched soccer all the time, I really like the Brazilian team. They were just so tiny, they'd go flying and get all these fouls and yellow cards called on the other team. And I thought to myself, "Holy shit, I hope I never get taller so I can join their team."

...this memory extracted from Meredith's vault of childhood dreams.

6:37 PM, June 23, 2006

Blogger berno said...

Being small in soccer does rock. When I used to play a lot I could do anything and draw fouls like none other. Of course the upshot was that I also got trashed in the process. Hmm... I'm seeming to recall something about that happening in frisbee too. Anyway, in my entire 11 year career I only got carded once and I deserved it.

9:22 PM, June 24, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

I am convinced that Ghana will trash Brazil tomorrow. Seriously, I have faith.

8:43 PM, June 26, 2006


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