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Thursday, June 22, 2006

On football

I'm ruther surprised to peruse this fine blog and see no mention of the ongoing World Cup anywhere. I understand that people are busy, and Henrik is actually off in Germany watching the games (Where are our daily updates, man?), but what's up with that? The US felt the throes of death today against Ghana, and that hopefully ends the horrendous jingoistic hype that faced the unknowing viewing public (namely me) from the boys and girls at ESPN. Honestly, not every movement of the ball can be compared to a US game, not every foreign player has to have a US counterpart and I don't really care about the last time a team went up 3-2 in the second half in a even-numbered year while wearing white jerseys. It was so bad sometimes I switched to spanish-language-soap-opera-channel Univision, which was more comprehensible even if I only understood the accented Spanish a paltry handful of words at a time. Now how do I pirate the BBC feed?
Brazil ran circles around Japan today in a wonderfully entertaining match, and it's so hard not to love them. They play a beautiful game, and it's all speed and feeling and a untouchable finesse on the ball. There's a reason they win the Cup year after year, and I'll have to tip them for the championship again. Can you tell I'll stay at home to watch the Brazil games?
Which leaves me wondering, how are our foreign-situated TASPers doing? I imagine Egypt must be at least watching the games, if not shutting down for days at a time, and France must be feeling the effects of a national team facing imminent elimination. Right?
So, listeners, any teams you just have a feeling about? Anybody to look out for? And dammit Henrik, tell us what you're up to!

I leave you with a bit of magic


Blogger Sam said...

I was planning on posting about this eventually - I too am curious about Henrik and his whereabouts. I was sure to be in the hotel lobby at 5 PM yesterday so I could watch Ghana vs. USA, but they weren't picking up a station that showed it, so I had to settle for Italy vs. Czech Republic (which ended up being pretty good). I must admit to a bit of chest-beating patriotism myself - I was hoping for an American victory. Eh bien. Haven't seen Brazil play yet, but I tend to root for the underdogs so I can't share your excitement there either . . . but the Dutch team is still in, and looking to stay in. Hup Holland Hup! As for BBC commentary, I'll wager it's even worse than ESPN, as a veteran of BBC Olympics broadcasting ("Up Next: our exclusive interview with British swimmer Nigel something-or-other, an exciting young athlete who just finished 11th in his heat. . ." - gotta love those Brits).

*waits for Henrik to post*

12:26 PM, June 23, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

British sports commentators pretty much define soporific.

7:07 AM, June 26, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Balls! Australia got totally robbed today


3:56 PM, June 26, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

I really think that Gilmore Girls excluded, the only time I watch television is for the world cup. I just hunker down and live in front of the television for the entire month. I've even managed to rope all my friends into it; tomorrow a friend and I are going to a cafe to watch Ghana destroy Brazil, and I think it's safe to say West Africa will continue its soccer domination. (Well, forgeting Togo anyhow.) No, probably won't happen, but I have to admit I was sort of rooting for Ghana to beat the US, although I think DaMarcus Beasley is ten times as sexy as David Beckham. Yeah, so basically the world cup accounts for my lack of blogging in the last week. Sorry, I'll try to stay more connected, and with the US (and most likely Ghana tomorrow too) out of it, I'll probably have a bit more time for other things. And snaps about the ESPN announcers...I want to rip Shep Messing's mouth off.

8:51 PM, June 26, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Wargh! Totally agree with Charles about Italy/Australia. What an unsatisfying way to lose.

I always root for the underdog (except for Germany), and it would have made me so so very happy to see Ghana win today, but alas... :(

3:26 PM, June 27, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

Ja, I watched it at a coffee shop on Calvin's campus, and a lot of the Ghanaian students stay for the summer, so the crowd was quite upset with the result. But I suppose Brazil deserved it, even if the second goal was from a missed offsides call.

4:39 PM, June 28, 2006


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